Uncanny X-Clan

Oddly Familiar | Behind The Bleeps & Bloops | Top 10 | Reviews | Challenges | Talks | Unboxings | Misc

Uncanny X-Clan Spotlighted Series!

Here you will find our premium series, but you can always choose from a category above!

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Oddly Familiar (Official series)

Ever hear a theme while playing a video game and thought it sounded familiar? Welcome!

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Behind the Bleeps & Bloops (Official series)

We take a look at behind the scenes stories about gaming, mostly about gaming music, bleeps and bloops!

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Uncanny Top 10 (Official series)

Anywhere from a top 10 theme list, to a top 10 games list, and everything in between!

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Reviews and 5 Minute Reviews

Here you will find our quick review series, and our full review series --- Nothing but reviews right here!

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Uncanny Challenges (Official series)

We have fun and take on some various gaming challenges!

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